Entertaining...The Spice of Life!

It is a rare few who don't enjoy the company of a good friend or group of friends! Whether it be a special occasion, or no occasion at all, the memories created can last a lifetime!

But, entertaining can be expensive! I very much enjoy planning and hosting company in our home and away, and in doing so I've discovered some budget-friendly, simple, creative ideas to share with you for your next occasion! Hospitality doesn't have to be expensive

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Is Your House Ready for Company?

When throwing a party, hosting an event, or simply having a single guest in your home, making sure your house is clean becomes a top priority. But, when unexpected guests arrive at the door, unless you are in the habit of always keeping your home clean, you may have had to shove clutter into closets and kick the dirty laundry under the beds as you race to the front door to answer the bell!

There is a great, free house cleaning and decluttering online resource I'd like to tell you about that will make those stressful, frantic cleanups a thing of the past! It's at Flylady.com. Flylady focuses on establishing a house cleaning routine and getting rid of the clutter that can so easily take over certain "hotspots" in your home. Flylady does not require you to put extreme effort into getting things perfect before you can start the program-you start where you are and work in different "zones" in your house, using a timer, and attack the mess one chunk at a time. There is very little preparation and little effort to set up the program...Flylady sends you email reminders of what you need to be doing that day!

Most of us have moments of clutter and chaos in our homes from time to time. With Flylady your ability to recuperate from these lapses will be so much easier, and you'll be ready for those drop-in guests and be better able to enjoy their company!

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